Typical account issues from Your Surveys are for the 3 following reason: 

1: Your Quality score is below 100. Quality scores are reduced when you speed, fail trap questions, submit bad open-ended answers. You must take your time on surveys and read survey questions and answers carefully.

2: You used a VPN or Proxy program such as NordVPN or Opera VPN. Please turn off any programs that mask or hide your true IP address. This may be a mobile app program such as mobileexpressions, opinion square, Nielsen application, Mac, or PC software acting as a proxy/VPN. You would need to find the offending software or app and then uninstall it.

3: Your IP location does not match your zip or postal code on your profile. Some mobile data plans may ping you at another location. 

Unfortunately, we cannot unblock you however you can be unblocked by contacting YourSurveys. When you see the message about being blocked, there will be a link called "New Ticket". You can submit a ticket to Your Surveys system to be unblocked and explain the actions you have taken.

After clicking on "New Ticket", please click on the "Submit request" in the top corner of the page. 

A form will appear that can be used to request an unblocking. Please fill out the form. For "Ticket Reason", please make sure to select Blocked (My account->Blocked). This will ensure that your ticket will reach the correct support contact. 

When you contact YourSurveys, please address the following questions and provide a comprehensive answer so they can unban you.

1. Did you use any proxy or VPN program? Did you find any software or app that acts as a proxy or VPN, if so did you uninstall the program? 

2. Did you log on from public wifi or workplace wifi?

3. What actions did you take to prevent the issue from happening again?