If you did not credited for an offer, you can look for the support option for the specific offer within the offerwall page. Please check the "support", "transactions history" , or "reward" on the offerwall for their support contact. If you need help finding the support option, please find your Offerwall below:
To reach out to AdGate support team, click on the Support Button. eam, click on the Support Button.
Please click on the "Support" button at the top of the offerwall page. There will be a "Missing Points?" option. Select this to reach out to their support team.
Ayetstudios support team can be contacted by clicking on the drop down Hamburger menu button and selecting the "Reward Status" option. Find the offer you need to inquire about about a support option will be at the bottom.

Lootably support team can be contacted by selecting the "Support" button in the top corner.
You can also email their team at: [email protected]
RevenueUniverse support team can be contacted by clicking on the Human Icon on the offerwall page. An Offer Status page will appear with all offers attempted. You can click the Contact Support for further assistance.
You can reach out to ToroX support team by clicking on the "My Activity" Tab. Please find your offer and click on the "Missing Reward?" to contact ToroX Support team.